【WordPress】小カテゴリが登録できるReally Simple CSV Importerの拡張プラグイン

【WordPress】小カテゴリが登録できるようにReally Simple CSV Importerの拡張プラグインを作りました。

Really Simple CSV ImporterプラグインとはCSVでワードプレスの記事をインポートできる便利なプラグインです。





  Plugin Name: ORE CSV Importer
  Description: Import posts, categories, tags, custom fields from simple csv file.
  Author: kurozuim
  Author URI: https://a-zumi.net
  Plugin URI: https://a-zumi.net
  Text Domain: really-simple-csv-importer

// Load Really Simple CSV Importer Plugin
$really_simple_csv_importer = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/really-simple-csv-importer/rs-csv-importer.php';

if (!file_exists($really_simple_csv_importer))
	wp_die('Really Simple CSV Importerプラグインをインストールして下さい。');

require $really_simple_csv_importer;

 * CSV Importer
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Importer
if (class_exists('RS_CSV_Importer')) {

	class ORE_CSV_Importer extends RS_CSV_Importer {

		// process parse csv ind insert posts
		function process_posts()
			$h = new RS_CSV_Helper;

			$handle = $h->fopen($this->file, 'r');
			if ($handle == false) {
				echo '<p><strong>' . __('Failed to open file.', 'really-simple-csv-importer') . '</strong></p>';
				return false;

			$is_first = true;
			$post_statuses = get_post_stati();

			echo '<ol>';

			while (($data = $h->fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
				if ($is_first) {
					$h->parse_columns($this, $data);
					$is_first = false;
				} else {
					echo '<li>';

					$post = array();
					$is_update = false;
					$error = new WP_Error();

					// (string) (required) post type
					$post_type = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_type');
					if ($post_type) {
						if (post_type_exists($post_type)) {
							$post['post_type'] = $post_type;
						} else {
							$error->add('post_type_exists', sprintf(__('Invalid post type "%s".', 'really-simple-csv-importer'), $post_type));
					} else {
						echo __('Note: Please include post_type value if that is possible.', 'really-simple-csv-importer') . '<br>';

					// (int) post id
					$post_id = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'ID');
					$post_id = ($post_id) ? $post_id : $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_id');
					if ($post_id) {
						$post_exist = get_post($post_id);
						if (is_null($post_exist)) { // if the post id is not exists
							$post['import_id'] = $post_id;
						} else {
							if (!$post_type || $post_exist->post_type == $post_type) {
								$post['ID'] = $post_id;
								$is_update = true;
							} else {
								$error->add('post_type_check', sprintf(__('The post type value from your csv file does not match the existing data in your database. post_id: %d, post_type(csv): %s, post_type(db): %s', 'really-simple-csv-importer'), $post_id, $post_type, $post_exist->post_type));

					// (string) post slug
					$post_name = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_name');
					if ($post_name) {
						$post['post_name'] = $post_name;

					// (login or ID) post_author
					$post_author = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_author');
					if ($post_author) {
						if (is_numeric($post_author)) {
							$user = get_user_by('id', $post_author);
						} else {
							$user = get_user_by('login', $post_author);
						if (isset($user) && is_object($user)) {
							$post['post_author'] = $user->ID;

					// (string) publish date
					$post_date = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_date');
					if ($post_date) {
						$post['post_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($post_date));

					// (string) post status
					$post_status = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_status');
					if ($post_status) {
						if (in_array($post_status, $post_statuses)) {
							$post['post_status'] = $post_status;

					// (string) post title
					$post_title = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_title');
					if ($post_title) {
						$post['post_title'] = $post_title;

					// (string) post content
					$post_content = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_content');
					if ($post_content) {
						$post['post_content'] = $post_content;

					// (string) post excerpt
					$post_excerpt = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_excerpt');
					if ($post_excerpt) {
						$post['post_excerpt'] = $post_excerpt;

					// (int) post parent
					$post_parent = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_parent');
					if ($post_parent) {
						$post['post_parent'] = $post_parent;

					// (int) menu order
					$menu_order = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'menu_order');
					if ($menu_order) {
						$post['menu_order'] = $menu_order;

					// (string, comma separated) slug of post categories
					$post_category = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_category');
					if ($post_category) {
						$parent_categories = array();
						$categories = preg_split("/,+/", $post_category);
						if ($categories) {
							$parent_categories = wp_create_categories($categories);
							$post['post_category'] = $parent_categories;

						 * 小カテゴリ登録用のCSV項目追加
						$post_child_category = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_child_category');
						if ($post_child_category) {
							$categories = preg_split("/,+/", $post_child_category);
							if ($categories) {
								foreach ($parent_categories as $parent_category) {
									foreach ($categories as $category) {
										$post['post_category'][] = wp_create_category($category, $parent_category);

					// (string, comma separated) name of post tags
					$post_tags = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_tags');
					if ($post_tags) {
						$post['post_tags'] = $post_tags;

					// (string) post thumbnail image uri
					$post_thumbnail = $h->get_data($this, $data, 'post_thumbnail');

					$meta = array();
					$tax = array();

					// add any other data to post meta
					foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
						if ($value !== false && isset($this->column_keys[$key])) {
							// check if meta is custom taxonomy
							if (substr($this->column_keys[$key], 0, 4) == 'tax_') {
								// (string, comma divided) name of custom taxonomies 
								$customtaxes = preg_split("/,+/", $value);
								$taxname = substr($this->column_keys[$key], 4);
								$tax[$taxname] = array();
								foreach ($customtaxes as $key => $value) {
									$tax[$taxname][] = $value;
							} else {
								$meta[$this->column_keys[$key]] = $value;

					 * Filter post data.
					 * @param array $post (required)
					 * @param bool $is_update
					$post = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_save_post', $post, $is_update);
					 * Filter meta data.
					 * @param array $meta (required)
					 * @param array $post
					 * @param bool $is_update
					$meta = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_save_meta', $meta, $post, $is_update);
					 * Filter taxonomy data.
					 * @param array $tax (required)
					 * @param array $post
					 * @param bool $is_update
					$tax = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_save_tax', $tax, $post, $is_update);

					 * Option for dry run testing
					 * @since 0.5.7
					 * @param bool false
					$dry_run = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_dry_run', false);

					if (!$error->get_error_codes() && $dry_run == false) {

						 * Get Alternative Importer Class name.
						 * @since 0.6
						 * @param string Class name to override Importer class. Default to null (do not override).
						$class = apply_filters('really_simple_csv_importer_class', null);

						// save post data
						if ($class && class_exists($class, false)) {
							$importer = new $class;
							$result = $importer->save_post($post, $meta, $tax, $post_thumbnail, $is_update);
						} else {
							$result = $this->save_post($post, $meta, $tax, $post_thumbnail, $is_update);

						if ($result->isError()) {
							$error = $result->getError();
						} else {
							$post_object = $result->getPost();

							if (is_object($post_object)) {
								 * Fires adter the post imported.
								 * @since 1.0
								 * @param WP_Post $post_object
								do_action('really_simple_csv_importer_post_saved', $post_object);

							echo esc_html(sprintf(__('Processing "%s" done.', 'really-simple-csv-importer'), $post_title));

					// show error messages
					foreach ($error->get_error_messages() as $message) {
						echo esc_html($message) . '<br>';

					echo '</li>';

			echo '</ol>';



			echo '<h3>' . __('All Done.', 'really-simple-csv-importer') . '</h3>';


	// Initialize
	function ore_csv_importer()
		load_plugin_textdomain('really-simple-csv-importer', false, './really-simple-csv-importer/languages');

		$ore_csv_importer = new ORE_CSV_Importer();
		register_importer('csv', __('CSV', 'really-simple-csv-importer'), __('Import posts, categories, tags, custom fields from simple csv file.', 'really-simple-csv-importer'), array($ore_csv_importer, 'dispatch'));

	remove_action('plugins_loaded', 'really_simple_csv_importer');
	add_action('plugins_loaded', 'ore_csv_importer');
} // class_exists( 'RS_CSV_Importer' )

先にReally Simple CSV Importerプラグインをインストールしてからこちらのプラグインをインストールして下さい。




  1. 複数の親に対してそれぞれ違う子のカテゴリーは登録できますか?

    • 随分前に作ったものなので正確なことは言えませんが、ざっと見た感じでは複数の親に対して別の小カテゴリーは登録できないと思います。

  2. 無知で申し訳ありませんが

    |先にReally Simple CSV Importerプラグインをインストールしてからこちらのプラグインをインストールして下さい。

    恐らくプラグイン名である「ORE CSV Importer」でググってもなかなか詳細が見当たりません。

    • ソースコードをもとにご自身でプラグインを作成して下さい。

  3. お返事ありがとうございます。

  4. 以前不動産サイトを作成し、こちらのサイトを拝見してお客様のご要望通りの機能を実装することができました!





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